Smells of Fall

A switch was flipped and Central Illinois is full of fall.  The leaves may have not changed but everything else is in full swing.  The crispness of the air, the waft of harvested corn and the smell of burning leaves completes the fall scenery.  Our crew loves the fall!!

If there is one thing we love about fall it would definitely be s’mores!  There is nothing like a freshly squashed marshmallow smacked between a heap of chocolate and graham crackers!  The gooyer the better!!

Another autumn perk, marshmallow wars!  We’re not very sophisticated, there are no set rules or parameters but we sure do love a good ‘mallow throw-down.  Not all marshmallows are edible following said fight but there are always more on hand for consumption.

The impromptu bonfire quickly becomes an evening spent at a crew member’s home full of all of the above and of course capture the flag.  Unlike marshmallow wars the game of capture the flag is taken quite seriously…down to boundary lines and war paint (on occasion).

So in a nutshell we love autumn and can’t wait to fully embrace all of the treasures fall has to offer!

Camo, Debris, Dirt and a Class B

The week kicked off with quite the bang.  Wednesday saw us at our first Relay for Life fund raiser.   An evening of raking away leaves, clearing winter’s damages and gearing up for a fantastic spring.  Thanks to Cheri for being our first donation and for spreading the word about our team, Life Crew 91.

one to rake, two to watch and the fourth to supervise

In the world of Crew 91 there is no way to have a bonfire without having a good ol’ fashioned game of capture the flag.  You might think you know capture the flag but until you’ve played with the crew you have no idea what you’re missing!  Capture the flag is not just any old game it’s taken seriously and if you play you better be in it to win…there is no other option.  No flashlights, just sheer darkness and you better be in fatigues.

after raking the class b's are put away

No sleeping in on Saturdays for Crew 91, just car washing all day long.  There was quite the showing on Saturday at Precision Auto Wash in Chillicothe for our little Relay fund raiser.  The weather was a little dreary but it didn’t take long for the sun to come out and with it bring the dirty cars of Chilli.  Thanks to everyone who came out to support Relay for Life.  There were semi-dirty cars, crazy dirty cars and then the immensely dirty cars recently released from mudding adventures.  All in all the day was a huge success!

even Audis get dirty