Nothing Like the Windy City

We spent a pretty fabulous day in Chicago the Friday of St. Patrick’s Day weekend.  Leaving Chillicothe Friday morning we swung by Rescue 33 to pick up two dozen homemade doughnuts courtesy of Tyler.

Riding the CTA

We met our personal tour guide, Arielle, at her place and caught the CTA to the Navy Pier.  If you visit the Pier on a cloudy March morning you have to catch the Ferris Wheel.  It was  overcast but still an amazing ride.  We didn’t cause to much of a raucous. 🙂

From the Pier we caught up with Cody who was in town with his family for the day.  The rain started to pick up just as we caught the CTA to a two-story McDonald’s.  This fancy-smancy McDonald’s had two escalators and an elevator!   We all agreed the second floor was the place to eat and the escalator was the best way to get upstairs.

McDonald's Escalator

Our ears popped as we rode the elevator of the John Hancock to the 94th Observation Floor.  The view was pretty fabulous despite the haze.  A few of us attempted to ice skate but only one of us was successful.  Have you ever tried to skate on that fake ice stuff?  It is not easy!

Skating in the Sky

On our way to dinner we stopped at Millennium Park and visited The Bean.  Everyone in the park was escaping the rain under The Bean.  Like any good tourist we had to get a picture or two.

The Bean

Dinner was fantastic!  We might have had a little more pizza but we were just sleepy enough not to mind.  If you have never eaten at Giordano’s East make sure to swing by on your next trip to Chicago.

Giordano's East

A Day for Green

Yesterday we saw thousands and thousands of people decked to the nines in the color green.  There are  St. Patrick’s Day fanatics who paint their bodies, die their hair and wear only green on March 17.  The celebration of St. Patrick’s Day has been a recognized holiday for thousands of years in Ireland.  But to truly see the Sea of Green all you have to do is really step out your back door.


Green on St. Patrick’s Day symbolizes the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland, St. Patrick.  The famed shamrock we see on display is said to have been used by St. Patrick to explain the Holy Trinity.

Green to Venturers all across the United States means adventure, opportunity, friendships and thrills of a life time.  The green of a Venturing uniform sparks questions from the public when they see us at community service projects or catching the train to Philmont.  Many have heard of the Boy Scouts of America but ask, “What is Venture Crew?”  The green of our uniforms makes us stand out and allows us to share all that Venturing has to offer.

We may not be as dedicated to green as some of our fine St. Patrick’s Day celebrators but we’re committed to the values and mission for which the green uniform of the Venturing Program stands.


Happy Anniversary

Today marks the day we first embarked on this voyage known as blogging.  A lot has happened in the last year.

Here’s a quick recap:

  • 6 new Venture Scouts
  • Recipients of the Golden Shovel Award
  • Recipients of the Ambassador Award
  • Started first Venturer on his path to Eagle Scout
  • Wished a Venturer good luck in the Marine Corps
  • Conquered Billy Goat Trail
  • Spent a whole weekend with 1000+ Venturers
  • Shucked 200 dozen ears of corn
  • Champions of the Marshmallow Wars
  • Survivors of the Bannister Innertube Challenge

There’s so much more but what’s the most amazing? The friendships, the laughs, the insider jokes and the memories that were forged.

You’ve never truly had an adventure until you’ve experienced it Venture Crew style.




It’s Coming

The biggest scouting event of the year is only a few months away.  Come July 14 a whole passel of Scouts, Venturers and leaders will make their way to West Virginia to attend the 2013 National Jamboree.


summit5093224_nWe are most excited about meeting all the Venturers who will be in attendance at this year’s Jambo.  For the first time ever Venturers will be able to act as participants.  We have three youth and one adult attending the Jamboree this summer.

Crew 91 Venture Scouts will be a part of a combined contingent from the W.D. Boyce Council and the Lewis and Clark Council.  When we arrive at The Summit we will be camping alongside not only Venturers from around the country but with international scouts in Foxtrot Camp.

We are incredibly excited, to say the least, to be a part of a historical Jamboree.  We’ll keep you posted of our activities leading up to and during this year’s 2013 National Jamboree at The Summit!
