It’s Been a While

Well, it’s been ages since we’ve posted about anything happening in the land of Venture Crew 91.  So we decided we’ll do one massive post with loads of pictures to get caught up on our happenings.

We participated in Relay for Life and had quite the blast.  There was a crazy marshmallow war that took place at the Bannister’s.  There were not any winners but the game was sure fun.  Try using the massive marshmallows, ripping them apart and then throwing them…they stick to your targets!  🙂

Relay for Life 2013

Four of our members traveled to West Virginia to participate in the National Scout Jamboree as members of Jamboree Crew F404!  What an awesome experience!  We’ll dedicate a whole post to the Jamboree.  There were just too many amazing things that took place for a synopsis.

Jamboree Crew F404

Jamboree Crew F404

Every year the Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce holds the CornFest.  This year 125 dozen ears of corn were shucked, cleaned and steamed.  Members of Crew 91 served hundreds of Chillicotheans close 1500 ears of corn!  It was a great way to spend an evening giving back to our community.

Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce CornFest 2013

We’re headed to Philmont next summer and we’ve been getting ready.  Summer 2014 seems ages away but it’s never too early to start hiking.  We spent a Sunday morning right after Jamboree hiking the trails at Camp Wokanda.  It was perfect hiking weather and we’ll be hitting the trails for many months to come.

Philmont Prep Hike

We attempted to use our speed boat last Sunday and that turned into an adventure all by its self.  Attempt would be the operative word.  Our speed boat is super fabulous…when it runs!  We backed into the river and the boat was running.  The boat ran for maybe two minutes tops…while still on the trailer!  But never fear, Craig came to the rescue with his fancy fishing boat and saved the day.  The weather was perfect, the water was fine and who knew a fishing boat could haul a tube at speeds fast enough to almost barrel roll.

Rocking the Bannister Fishing Boat!

Rocking the Bannister Fishing Boat!

The summer has almost drawn to a close.  School resumes in our little town next week.  Just because the summer is about to end does not mean the adventures will cease.  We’re looking forward to an outstanding school year!

Relaying all the Time

This past weekend, despite the heat, we made our way to the track at Illinois Valley Central High School for this year’s Relay for Life of Chillicothe.  We had quite the showing of Crew 91ers and played a supporting role in many different capacities.

Relay for Life 2013

We kicked off the morning helping to clean out the concession stand.  There was a ridiculous amount of dust and the nacho cheese machine hadn’t been cleaned before the stand was closed for the season! Once the stand was cleaned we made our way to the football field to set up games for the kids.

Though there were not as many kids in the past that did not stop us from having a good time.  We blew bubbles, jumped in the bouncy house, played with the water, attempted Hilly Billy Golf and had ourselves a grand old time.

Relay for Life 2013

Yes, yes, we were there to walk the track and we did that too we just enjoyed ourselves in all the different activities.  Derick even participated in the 5K Glow Run and came in first place!  After Relay we made our way to the Bannister’s lawn and camped out.  Two individuals, who will remain nameless, stayed up through the night.  The crazies!

Relay for Life 2013

We had another successful year raising $2,170.37 for Chillicothe’s Relay for Life!  All in all, a wonderful way to spend a weekend!

So Proud

As the Advisor to this crazy group I just have to take a minute to brag about the guys and gals in my Crew.  Last winter when we decided to put together a Relay for Life team we were all pretty excited but we did not really have a fundraising goal.  Not sure who it was but someone from our Crew thought each member of the team should raise at least $50.  It’s not an exorbitant amount but still a substantial commitment.

We spruced up a couple of yards and received monetary donations and then we held a car wash.  We raised more than we thought we were going to through our fundraising activities.  We were all really excited.  The week of the Relay we went to the meeting and had just over $1,000 in team funds!!  We were super pumped and so happy we raised over $1,000.

The day of the Relay comes and we have a really great crowd from the Crew.  Our little team not only included Crew members but family members too.  In total we had 20 people show up to support our Relay for Life team.  Not everyone stayed the whole night but it came pretty close.

What is so amazing is the support, enthusiasm and willingness of my Crew!  For those who stayed through the night, they walked, they ran, they joked, they laughed, they had a great time.  What is even more exciting?  They are already planning for next year’s Relay team and how we can exceed this year’s fundraising goal.

All in all this fancy team came together and raised way more than $50 per person.  They have raised $2,828.52!!!!  It would be completely awesome if we found a way to raise an additional $171.48 before August 31.  The wheels are turning so hopefully Life Crew 91 can reach $3,000 before the end of August.

Rockin’ it Relay Style

There is just something absolutely fabulous about spending an evening dripping sweat with your Relay team and cancer survivors.  The heat was intense and the humdity was high enough you could wring out the air!  That didn’t really stop us from having a great time.

We don’t really need an excuse to stay up all night and be completely worthless the next day but on Saturday, June 30 there was a reason.  Crew members took up the mantle of an all-nighter in support of Relay for Life.  This was the first year the crew had a team, Life Crew 91.  We had quite the showing and surpassed our fund raising goal of $1,000.

To show our spirit we wore our tie-dyed camo Relay shirts and made sure they glowed in the dark.  We set-up camp and got ready for the next 16 hours of laps, sodas and serving at the concessions.

We took shifts dishing ice cream, wrapping brats and porkers, and serving enough taco-in-a-bowls to feed an army!  The ice cream sundeas were a perfect retreat from the heat. It was by far the most coveted of jobs…you got to open and close the freezer!!!  While some us worked in the Relay Cafe the rest of us walked, jogged and some of us RAN (he was slightly crazy!) around the track to raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society.

The best part about the evening is always the lighting of the luminaries.  Just as the sun goes down the luminaries are light one by one as a reminder of those who have fought, are fighting and will fight cancer.  It is a somber ceremony and not a dry eye is left in the stadium.  It is a beautiful display of community support and Venture Crew 91 was proud to be a part of something so meaningful.

Crusin’ with the Carp

We can’t have all work and no play so we decided to kick back and enjoy the Asian Carp.  Today was a ‘get ready for Relay for Life’ day.  We camo tie-dyed our team shirts and they’ll look pretty fantastic when they’re finished.  After grabbing a quick hot dog and brat off the grill we loaded up and headed to Lacon.  The night could not have been any better for tubing and speeding up the Illinois.  We’re not a tame bunch when it comes to tubing.  The only objective…to get thrown from the tube.  And really, if you’re honest with yourself you know getting thrown from the tube is your favorite too!!  Half of us road in the boat and the rest of us hung out on the pontoon as pick up and deliver when it was time to swap.  We’re all about including family in our crazy activities so we had quite the group on the river.  We can’t wait until the next river jaunt!

Not Yet Thrown

Can’t Wait to be Big

About to be Launched

Camo, Debris, Dirt and a Class B

The week kicked off with quite the bang.  Wednesday saw us at our first Relay for Life fund raiser.   An evening of raking away leaves, clearing winter’s damages and gearing up for a fantastic spring.  Thanks to Cheri for being our first donation and for spreading the word about our team, Life Crew 91.

one to rake, two to watch and the fourth to supervise

In the world of Crew 91 there is no way to have a bonfire without having a good ol’ fashioned game of capture the flag.  You might think you know capture the flag but until you’ve played with the crew you have no idea what you’re missing!  Capture the flag is not just any old game it’s taken seriously and if you play you better be in it to win…there is no other option.  No flashlights, just sheer darkness and you better be in fatigues.

after raking the class b's are put away

No sleeping in on Saturdays for Crew 91, just car washing all day long.  There was quite the showing on Saturday at Precision Auto Wash in Chillicothe for our little Relay fund raiser.  The weather was a little dreary but it didn’t take long for the sun to come out and with it bring the dirty cars of Chilli.  Thanks to everyone who came out to support Relay for Life.  There were semi-dirty cars, crazy dirty cars and then the immensely dirty cars recently released from mudding adventures.  All in all the day was a huge success!

even Audis get dirty

Raking for a Cause

Today is the first day we begin fundraising for our Relay for Life Team: 91 Reasons.  We will be spring cleaning in a couple of yards this afternoon as a way  to fund raise for our team.  It seems as if every day we learn of someone else who is beginning the battle against cancer.  Crew 91 wants to help, even in a small way, by putting together a team, raising awareness and collecting donations to help fight the fight to put an end to cancer.  Though we’re only just starting, raking leaves for an afternoon is going to make difference.  Our question to you: how are you willing to make a difference?

Leave a comment to share ways your teams have brought awareness to your community and the harebrained ides you’ve pulled off to raise support.